Wednesday, February 18, 2009

? Tentative ?

Considering the purpose of this blog is to give updates on my upcoming trip to Thailand, I think it is time to fulfill that purpose!

First, thanks for showing your support by taking the time to remain updated on the plans and the prayer requests.

Well, "tentative" seems to be the operative word in this experience...and in this line of work in general! But, here is what I do know...kind of:

April, another EU student, and I will be working with a married couple who have long experience in Bangkok to help develop a ministry for victims of human trafficking.

We have a tentative departure date: May 12 or 13!

At the end of the two months in Thailand, April and I, along with the other team who is going to Chiang Mai, will be debriefing on a beach for several days (I am trying not to get too excited about that part!)

Well, like I said, there are still many unknowns. I just learned that the missionaries we will be working with are planning on coming back to the States in June for the month. This creates an unknown. Given the nature of the work we will be doing (working with human trafficking) it is not necessarily safe to continue working in Bangkok without our experienced leaders. Therefore, the second month my April and I will have to focus our efforts elsewhere. There are many tentative (there it is again!) options for us to consider.

So, in light of all these things, prayer is needed!
Please pray:

  • For direction regarding the second month of our time
  • That I would have patience and trust, as I like to have answer and itineraries!
  • That divine appointments would be aligned even now for the time we are there
  • That hearts would be prepared
  • For physical provision, in health, finances and spirit!

Because He is worth it all!